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Join us for a deep dive into the podcasting space. Learn the basics of podcasting along with why it will fit you. Each day for six days, you will receive an email to explore that day's topics, along with many tips, tricks, and gifts to help you on your podcasting journey.

The value you will receive from this free six-day deep dive into podcasting will let you know if and, more importantly, how podcasting can help you. We will help you with a 1-hour group-style Facebook live Q&A, where you will have an opportunity to ask your questions about each day's subject matter with me hosting the Q&A Sessions. Don't wait; get your name on the list for your podcast-building journey.



PodCamp is a robust six-day deep dive into finding your way through the podcasting space.

Things that you will discover:

  1. What is a podcast, and why would I need one?
  2. Industry standards / Inside Apple Podcast Connect.
  3. Hosting and mobile APPs.
  4. Inside podcasting equipment / Saas Service Providers.
  5. Your podcast RSS Feed and why this is so important.
  6. Essential Website and SEO strategies.
  7. Podcast Cover Art / Using Canva
  8. Introductory podcast editing Audio and Video.
  9. Constructing a launch plan for the most effective impact from day one.
  10. Becoming a great podcast host/guest.
  11. S.O.P. - for an easy step-by-step flawless production plan.
  12. Social media and distributing your podcast to all of the major directories.


It's easy; start here.